Thursday 2 March 2017

The success of The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda is one of the my favorites games on the Dendy. Dendy is a clone of the Japanese console NES. Unfortunately, i had only the console, when i was a child. But I could play on the Dendy in the cool games, such as The Legend Of Zelda. It was one the first part of the series, but it was really cool. I play in the games of the series even today on the emulator. And,  the last version of the legendary games got almost the higher mark on the Metacritic. Metecritic is a  famous website where people assess the games. Unfortunetely, I can not afford the console, which supports the last version of this games, but I am happy, that Nintendo develops The Legend of Zelda. Finally, I am convinced, that i will buy console for this games.

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